Tuesday, February 23, 2016

the good stuff, vol. 3

Lots of good distractions this week...


A little more running inspiration in the form of this man who has run marathons on every continent (ps, he's a cancer survivor).

I'm working on my Oscar ballot and was interested to see what the Five Thirty-Eight team is predicting. It's kind of funny to see everyone ragging on Leo for being so damn thirsty. I'm really hoping they're wrong about The Revenant (Best Pic should definitely go to Spotlight).

If you need to catch up on the nominees, most of them are available to stream right now. We live in truly glorious times.

The groovy house featured in The Big Lebowski has been donated to LACMA. Looks like a great place to chill with a White Russian.

If you love animals and feel like crying, check out this touching series of portraits of dogs as they age. I adopted my Audrey when she was 2.5, and she just turned 8. She's super healthy, but it goes so fast...

I love the idea behind this website, which is dedicated to selling housewares, clothing, toys, furniture, and more that are meant to last a lifetime. The older I get, the more I understand that there is no joy in buying and rebuying cheap crap. Investing in quality is where it's at.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art introduced a new logo and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE agghhhghgh!!!! Just kidding, sort of. But people do care deeply. I find that I rarely respond well to new branding immediately, but I feel like this will grow on me.

The Anthropologie effect is real, as this fascinating piece explores -- it's the reason you immediately feel the urge to buy all kinds of random, very expensive things when you walk into one of their warm, cozy stores.

If you love grammar and have suffered a bad breakup, you'll appreciate this piece.

A man planted a beautiful garden that his blind wife could enjoy because, love.

A really interesting piece about the subtle but important mistakes people make that can really derail your life -- staying with the wrong people, not learning from past mistakes, comparing yourself to others, and just being passive about your situation. Worth a read, even if you feel like things are going pretty well for you.

On my travel bucket list is a nice long road trip where I spend a week driving from New York to California and another week exploring the state from one end to the other. I'm bookmarking this list of charming SoCal cities for that very trip.


I spent Sunday after the race laying around on the couch, eating everything, and watching Difficult People on Hulu. It is extremely enjoyable fluff, particularly if you love pop culture and NYC, and I am still quoting lines from it ("Do you know what 'understudy' is? It's a fancy word for disappointment!", shouted to children at a matinee of Annie. That's the first scene of the first episode.)

Adele doing her impression of a deer and other awesomeness.

Have you ever seen Goofy and Michael Jackson ease on down the road? You should. You must.

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